classmate :)
As i promised before in my previous post regarding the procedure bila interview untuk art student in Fashion and Design. Basically semua course art will experiences the same things included for Diploma too. So yeah, i know lots of people were curious of what i had learnt through my semester. So i took 9 subject for this semester while ada yang ambil 10 or 11 inluded Kesatria. Like for me, i can transfered some of my credit hours from my Diploma years so adalah dalam 5 subject yang tak payah ambil. This semester ada 3 liberal and 1 electives- 2 from foundation arts and other one from fashion which is "History of fashion"Yang lain semua technical works that required you guys pergi bengkel.
Untuk major subject which ada 5 subject, fashion figure, pattern making, body covering, history of costumes, and fashion CAD. Okay i will explain each of this 5 core subject :)
Fashion figure
Selalunya, Prof Shook akan take over first sem so yes you will meet him and dia tersangatlah baik and penyayang. My fav lines or quotes dari dia bila dalam kelas "Girls~~ dengar sini tengok sini. Tengok atuk abah cakap" hahaha yeap he called himself as abah which is very cute. Kat dalam kelas dia korang akan belajar how to draw a fashion figure following fashion ways. kepala, bahu kaki ikut ukuran fashion. and after that korang kena buat like 5 projects drawing figure atas illust board saiz A2. Don't worry dia kan ajar step by step and yes it required lot of money since one project dalam almost 20 plus la. and i told ya you guys kena bawak all 5 of the illust board time assessment. I'd been thru all this shit and i know how it feels nak bawak all those stuff. Still jangan pressure sebab kelas ni cepat, cuma nak nasihatkan jangan buat kerja lambat or else prof ill become a tiger. And matching kan colour mounting board and illust board or else marks will be reduced :b
One of my final work in A2 size for fashion figure aka illustration class
Pattern making
Pattern making basically benda asas sebelum potong kain, kat sinilah korang akan belajar all the basic knowledge about mesin jahit and jahitan. Kat sinilah korang akan merangkak buat pattern and all. Dr Saemah akan ajar, macam mana nak buat contoh and korang kena buat exactly the same macam dia tunjuk. Kelas ni basically will took 4 hours in a week or to be exact in a day. Tapi korang takkan rasa lama sebab akan focus siapkan pattern in every weeks. Dinasihatkan, jangan malas buat kerja last minute siapkan semua. Nanti kabut and menyusahkan semua orang. Faham? So nanti korang kenalah beli jarum, benang and all sewing requirement. For the one yang tak pernah guna mesin don't worry- slowly you will become pro just like me. yang penting rajin. Tetas banyak kali tu perkara biasa. There is once, i used a sewing machine sebaris dengan senior and i was too keen nak siapkan biar kemas sampai tetas like almost 5 times i guess(?) and senior tu macam "I tengok banyak kali dah tetas skirt tu"and i was like malu gila ok senior senior part 6 tegur kahkahkah "err hmm tak kemas and salah jahit"*hanya mampu senyum uhuhuhu* And dinasihatkan jugak jaga kertas pattern supaya tak macam belacan kahkahkah sebab i dah pernah kena marah dengan Dr Saemah but the weird thing is, tak rasa malu sbb maybe i want to learn and gain knowledge so buat apa nak malu kalau salah kan? It's for your own goods!
Body Covering
So for this class, idk yang akan ajar sebab dorang selalu kan tukar lecturer untuk kelas ni not like pattern and fashion figure which dah tetap Dr saemah and Prof Shook. Kalau macam I last sem, Cik Anas ajar my batch. Honestly, i was so scared of him. Muka dia garang okay. And dia suka psycho student dia and his fav lines "Cik kan semua nak jadi designer meletops nanti balik kampung boleh cerita dekat semua orang yang u guys jadi fashion designer meletop"which i will cringed everytime he said those words hahaha. But! sebenarnya Cik Anas sangat baik dan kebapaan IF you follow what he told. Dia suruh kau buat 15 sketches kau buatlah, cari material kat luar cari, datang bengkel pagi datang je. just follow sebab if you listened well he will generously help you a lot. Oh wait i foggot nak bagitau kat dalam kelas ni korng akan belajar macam mana dari sketches yang korang lukis to the actual garment. At first sangat terkejut la jugak and cuak bila tau first sem dah kena jahit baju untuk final assessment. I mean like wht?! Cheq ni dah la tak berapa terror dengan mesin jahit lepstu boleh pulak nak kena menjahit baju untuk assessment which will be wear by a model. Kelas ni sangat interesting sbb Cik Anas akan lead one by one sketches till how you should sew your garment. You might heard bad things about him from your senior but honestly he was okay. maybe dulu kot dia garang but now tak sangat. bayangkan dia siap tolong i manually cara nak jahit and ada lecturer ni macam sindir abt why he should manually teach student when he actually just patutnya bagi direction je. Seriously tabik kat dia. And jangan terkejut dia akan tukr ur design banyak kali even the day before assess day. Yeap hahaha. Thank you Cik Anas for last sem, i owned you a lot. Hoping to learn lots of thing from you in future or maybe sooner? :)
My dual for final project
My work for final project which is not that really good actually but i'm proud with my work :)
Make sure labuh kalau nak buat dress sebab mine required skirt inside tsk
History of Costumes
Okay for this subject, it would be liberal mean korang akan belajar fact pasal sejarah fashion dari zaman Mesir sampai nowdays. From one Era to another and funniest things abt this class- seriously i will fallen asleep after like half an hour of lecturer even duduk depan sekali. Eh bukan sebab dia bosan tapi aku yg jenis kuat tidur hahaha nasib baik kuiz dapat paling tinggi so i approved even suka tido still belajar okay uhuhu. Nothing much abt this class actually, dia adelah macam presentation and quiz and just jawab exam kat dewan je nanti thats all. yang penting rajin baca, hafal and faham :)
Acah acah lepas jawab exam kahkahkah
Fashion CAD
Kelas ni korng kena alert and rajin sebab it required you to powering your adobe skills actually. Korang kena guna Illustration Adobe and Photoshop.sangat fun sebab kena buat own photoshoot lepastu edit macam dekat majalah and then kena buat design corak untuk letak kat figure. it was fun tapi dinasihatkan jangan last minute sebab nanti tak sempat sebab it required lots of times in front of computer. Kalau korang dapat Sir Zaimi, it was okay sebab dia bekas student situ so dia sangat okay boleh la nak tolerate sikit. End of assignment korg akan habis almost 50 plus jugaklah. So jangan boros dapat duit PTPTN okay:)
Electives subject
Untuk elcetives subject korang kena ambil 12 hours of electives kalau nak grad. So for this semester i took TEXTILES EMBELLISHMENT which is not that really hard tapi lecturer dia a bit of cerewet sobs tapi nasib baik dia bagi markah okay. For this sem, kiteorang kena buat embellishment kat barang so i decided to used my jeans shirt sbb banyak kat almari hahaha. Not that really hard tp required a lot of patient and creativity :)
Foundation of Art
Untuk foundation of Art korang kena ambil 3 subject. Satu drawing, sec art history (liberal) and last cultural anthropology (liberal). yang drawing korang kena buat elok sebab lecturer fine art sangat tegas sobs. So buatlah cecantiks okay!
Electives subject
Untuk elcetives subject korang kena ambil 12 hours of electives kalau nak grad. So for this semester i took TEXTILES EMBELLISHMENT which is not that really hard tapi lecturer dia a bit of cerewet sobs tapi nasib baik dia bagi markah okay. For this sem, kiteorang kena buat embellishment kat barang so i decided to used my jeans shirt sbb banyak kat almari hahaha. Not that really hard tp required a lot of patient and creativity :)
Tangan kotor bekas tie dye sebab kekonon nak diy gempak sikit eceh
My final look! added some studded, laces, tie dye diy :)
Foundation of Art
Untuk foundation of Art korang kena ambil 3 subject. Satu drawing, sec art history (liberal) and last cultural anthropology (liberal). yang drawing korang kena buat elok sebab lecturer fine art sangat tegas sobs. So buatlah cecantiks okay!
Buat cerek guna wire and lecturer pilih mine untuk examples untuk future semester student yeay
Skecthes dalam drawing book untuk extra marks :)
And what's more eh? Oh gambar faculty and bengkel fashion? Sorry takde sebab idk why actually hahaha. Event tahunan ofcourse lah dinner! kali ni dorang punya theme cosplay kahkahkah so i decided nak jadi bini shrek dan dengan gigihnya pergi sewa baju kat Damansara. Gigih gila lol But it was fun la (kot).
Over lahai semua orang haha.
About environment? Lecturer? Senior? Don't worry lecturer sangat okay, but then korang kenalah tahu yang every lecturer ada diorang punya style sendiri so korang kena la ikut. kalau tak suka pun ikut tau, lagi afdhal gitu sebab markah dorang yang bagi :) Senior pun sangat okay, kalau korang tak paham tanye je dorang, dorang cool je. and untuk part 1 korang akan kena jadi anak payung untuk part 6. maksudnya? Korang kena tolong senior korang sesikit siapkan final project dorang. So nanti mak payung korang pilihlah and it was good actually sebab dia akan create good bonds among junior and senior :) lagipun bak kata senior, pusing2 pun bila kau dah habis study muka ni jugak korang akan tengok sebab fashion kat malaysia ni bukan besar pun. kalau nak minta kerja ke tolong nanti akan jumpa jugak each other :)
So yeah, sampai sini jelah kot(?) sebab tak tau dah nak cerita apa. But if ada pertanyaan or anything just drop by kat email okay? InsyaAllah segala persoalan akan dijawab :)
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Insta: sysyeer
Assalamua'laikum !