
A place where i write all things that i want. Things that i love, hate, open my eyes and a place where i'm free to be myself without any misunderstanding. A place to get inspired and inspiring. A place to fly up widen my wings. Welcome, to my kind of place. Suit yourself!

Saturday, 9 September 2017

Pengalaman sebagai pelajar fesyen (Ijazah Seni Reka Fesyen : UiTM) AD246 (Semester 4)

Assalamualaikum and hai everyone!

Soooooooo, it's been a long time and i barely open my blog because of course i'm too busy with classes and final before- and now, i'm on my internship (practical training) for 3 month. So basically, i'll attending classes bit late since my internship will ended early October. Here i'm updating my blog about my experienced in semester 4- which i would say a bit roller coaster and frustrating lol. Because my batch was involved with Gajah duduk (collabration). So my 1 month  of research been delayed because we were busy sketching and sewing for Irra by gajah Duduk. It was fun for me, because we got the chances to collaborated with outsider brand and it gave us an opportunity to involved with something out of our syllabus. Soooo, back to the main topic- (bc i'm too lazy to type long post as i was busy with internship hihu sorry)

For this semester i took seven subject- 4 core fashion subject, 1 elective, 1 liberal subject and last is Japanese (level 2)


My favorite subject for this semester from fashion department would be ofc Illustration and design. Why? Because this time we can create figure based on our creativity and style meanwhile previous semester we only allowed to copy from magazine which i hate so much because i believe illustration was all about creativity and personality. It was a big shame if someone only copy exactly like other people style when they can create something according to their way. Trust me i was so happy and eager to do illustration even it take a lot of time and creativity. My favorite style would be droopy eyes and a very long legs. i like to start with water colour and blend it with pencil colour. It was tiring but hella fun. So for this semester we need to do 4 illustration only. For the first project we used magazine and black  & White as colllage. It was fun bc i used jewellery for my main idea. And surprisingly my lecturer like it and took it for sample to the junior. The second project, we did international brand and 3 figure in one board. Third project, we use surrealism painting as our main subject and last would be based on our final design.

First project

Second project

Third Project

Final Project


So for this subject, all of us can choose either to sew bomber jacket or suit/blazer. And we only have one project, toile and the final. And ofcourse i would choose bomber jacket over blazer huhu. It was fun actually because finally i know how to make a freakin bomber jacket! YEAY. So here a picture of my toile (example). But sorry i didn't manage to take a decent picture of my final bomber jacket huhu

Model tanpa berbayar 1 (Fana)

Model tanpa berbayar 2 (Nami)


So this semester for design we will focus on functional, my friend and i decided that we should do volunteers that help refugee at Syria. Our lecturer Miss P decided that we should create a team and help each other with research. It was hella scary for me because i'm not really good at technical but Alhamdulillah with all hard work, i manage to do it well. I spent lot of many on fabric samples and pocket sampling. I need to make sure my fabric suit the weather at Syria and it doesn't look awkward for the pocket. My design focus on pockets (functions) and it can turn into bag!

Tshirt, Vest and pants all sew by me.


If you guys read my previous post of semester 3, at there i write about embellishment 1 and for this semester, it was a continuity from last semester. This time we learn to upgrade our embellishment with several technique. We been instruct to did 18 samples and one final design dress applying some of the technique in that dress. And i'm so sorry because i forgot to snap a decent picture of my mini samples and final design for embellishment. 


To make it short, this is the continuity of level 1 Japanese. We required to get through all writing, listening, reading and role play. It was fun actually learning other languages :)


Finally i manage to attend this electives classes after been kick out last semester because my friends and I make a mistakes while register our electives. I was so frustrated back then but Alhamdulillah yes finally i can. And the lecturer Puan Z is so kind and warm heart teaching step by step the real technique to do rendering. I really recommended this class if you want to learn rendering technique that been learnt by IDE student. 

Final project for rendering 


For this semester we required to make a proposal abut business related to art and design / fashion. My team mates and i decided that be make a fashion event business. It was tired editing all the name card, poster and all. Thank God we managed to get A for this subject or else it would be bit sad. Here i put  a few picture of my editing for our booklet and business related proposal. 


Last but not least, i took EET as it was compulsory or else we cannot graduate. I took earlier than most of my classmate because i'm from diploma. This exam kinda same with MUET but more harder? Idk lol. They just have two exam which is writing and speaking. But the good thing id it wont effect your cgpa as your grade will be only shown a different certificate like Muet.

So yeah, that's only for now as i was so struggling to finish this entry and i'm so sorry for the late update and hai to the juniors! Hope to see you guys soon after i finished my internship !

p/s : Maybe i will update about my experiences working under sazzy falak for my intership and KLFW2017(?) 

for now, bye!

Monday, 27 February 2017

Pengalaman sebagai pelajar fesyen (Ijazah Seni Reka Fesyen : UiTM) AD246 (Semester 3)


(Blogger keep giving me message to write in malay, but its gonna be awkward guna fully Malay actually lol so yeah akan keep update but still i tried my best tulis dalam bahasa fuh)

Hai! After soooo long! I managed to write back on my blog despite of how lazy am i kan. Eh mestilah, sebab cuti kali ni 1 bulan je sebab i was busy with my batch mate handle Degree fashion Show for my senior. It was fun but tiring at the same times! And ofc la ada drama disebalik suksesnya sebuah majlis *letak tangan dibahu* Fast forward with the drama- still, thank you slay production (my batch mate punya production name) for make everything went success! Even lecturer, sponsor and guest cakap event kitaorang handle well done! Dean pun cakap kita punya batch sangat cekap. Well, terima kasih Idham, Nabel and all crew sebab lead the event! I'm so proud!

Okay, back to main topic yang akan update which is what i went thru in my third semester aka second yr of degree! For this semester jujurnya kurang sikit stress. Tak berapa gopoh sangat and time manageable not bad- maybe sebab takde kelas illustration for this semester fuhh. And Untuk semester ni, kelas feveret mestilah kelas embellishment! uhuks. Sebab memang minat embellishment and one more thing is sebab Puan Rose ajar walaupun, dia just guide the way je kiteorang kena cari bahan and the way out.

Okay, marilah list out subject for this semester! Oh sebelum tu, untuk semester 3 kali ini cuma ada 3 subject major, 2 eectives, 2 minor, 1 english class dan satu third language.

1. FES 502: Fashion Design 3 : Design and experimental

Okay untuk semester ni, sekali lagi, kelas i iaitu kelas A untuk semster ini diambil alih lagi oleh Encik Anas (wow full one sentences in Malay- i try lol)  yes dan tiga semester dengan dia, berharap sangat next semester Miss P take over. Not because i don't like him- it just i want to learn something new with other lecturer. Because i believe, each of the lecturers have their own method and skills that i can get from them. So masa first week, Encik Anas decide tema kali ni "How to promote Malaysia" bermaksud baju yang akan dihasilkan dinspirasikan dari Malaysia. But, on the second week he changed his mind and ambil painting as inspiration. So after a several research, i took Paul Klee Cat and Bird as my inspiration.

Selepas beberapa design, experiment, draping dan makian (oh lupa leteran sekali) Akhirnya siaplah design semester ini dengan jayanya walaupaun menangis tiga hari berturut sebab takut tak siap muahaha. Yelah sebab my design kena hand stiches one by one, iron one by one swarovski- yeap totally couture! 3 hari okay duduk dekat bengkel hanya untuk susun dan hand stiches sampai kematu punggung uhuhu. Senior and junior lalu semua tegur "Rajinnya" "Wow couture sangat" "Budak hebat ni" Sejujurnya i'm not good. Some closest batchmate kata "Syeera kalau tak susah and teliti bukan dialah" but then i corrected her statement by saying "Bukan teliti, aku jenis suka buat kerja yang ngenyah dan menyusahkan diri" and yes they agreed kahkah. Tbh, my design tak ada susah sangat pun, pattern dia sangat senang and simple tapi embellishment dia yang azab. Sebab semester ni diorang nak kami experiment dengan embellishment. Kiranya design wajib ada experiment sebab tulah tujuan belajar semester ini :) So malas nak bebel lama lama. I'll show you some of my draping pictures dan hasil baju masa assessment day !

Alhamdulillah hasil menangis 3 hari berturut dapat A :)

2. FES 504: Advanced Pattern making

Okay macam semester yang lepas, untuk kelas pattern kali ni kami diberikan 4 project iaitu, kebaya, baju kemeja, seluar slack dan baju melayu. Dan semua baju kena ikut ukuran badan sendiri so boleh lah pakai bila dah habis jahit! Baju kebaya dah rasmi dah, cuma kemeja belum lagi sebab nak apaki untuk pergi kelas je sebenarnya kuikuikui. Semester kali ni, Puan Faliza yang mengajar dan dia sangat baik, at first ingatkan dia ni garang sebab dia suka pandang orang and bila buat lawak or sengih dia tak layan lol. Tapi bila dan setiap minggu jumpa- baik je puan sebenarnya! Overall comment yang dia bagi sem ni "Awak ni rajin syeera, tapi jahitan awak ni saya tak boleh bagi A- tu sayang sangat" iya puan saya tau- but i did try my best and i dont mind got a B actually sbb tau kat mana kemampuan uhuhu. Tapi kalau puan tukar fikiran saya lagi happy! Ehehe

p/s/s: gambar baju? Ala tak ambil, sorry!

3. FES 500 : Surface Embellishment 1

Okay embellishment! Subject favourite gila untuk semester ni- yes i was born to do everything yang susahkan diri but still, enjoy it! kiteorang kena buat 3 projek- 2 mini projek dan 1 final projek. 

Projek 2

4/17 samples untuk projek 1

Final Project!

4. PSY 563: Psychology And Interpersonal Comunication

5. CTU555: Malaysan History

Subjek liberal untuk semester ni ada dua, psychology dan Malaysian History. Dua subject ni kena attend classes and dengar lecturer. Few project and presentation. Kelas psychology ni best sebab gabung dengan department lain and dari situ buat group and kenal each other. Basically kelas ni dia bagi lecturer mengenai art and psychology. Meanwhile for CTU dia ajar mengenai sejarah Malaysia dan undang2 Negara. Kelas ni bagi i okay je sebab dari zaman sekolah mmang minat sejarah huhu.

6. Third Language :Japan Level 1

Untuk sem 3 wajibun ambil third langage dan ada 4 pilihan yang boleh pilih, Jepun, Arab, Cina, German dan Perancis. I chose Japan sebab memang minat gila dengan Jepun (bukan peminat anime) tapi minat dengan culture, environment, view, ethic, songs and everything from culture to fashion. Tempat yang paling teringin sangat nak pergo since highchool ofcourse Harajuku! hihi. Kelas ni not bad, sebab sensei best! Ada 3 quiz and sepatutnya ada buat video tapi  sensei just nak roleplay je dekat depan dia :)

Last but not least, Electives subject!

7. EAD 432: Stone Setting (From Department Fine Metal)
8: EAD 582: Trend Design Studies (From Department Industry Design)

Untuk sem ni ambil 2 electives subject sebab nak habiskan sisa credit hour. Next sem just tinggal satu je lagi kena daftar yeay! Stone setting ni kiteorang kena buat jewelry dari batu from scratch which is very fun! Group mate untuk kelas ni pun kelakar gila so tak bosan datng bengkel metal walaupun bengkel dorang tak besar mana pun. Meanwhile untuk Trend Design ni just kena attend lectures and buat report. Sangat best juga sebab lecturer ni dia bagi idea macam mana nak buat design kita lebih berinovasi dan trendy tak kira walau dari manpun department kita. Cara dia cerita pun best dan tak bosan. Tak menyesal ambil kelas ni sebab sangat membantu kelas design sem lepas hee.

Final look for stone setting

Okay the end! Itu je subject that i took for semester 3. Tbh, sem 3 sangat best sebab sem ni kami merge dengan diploma student yang further studies in Degree. At first rasa macam takut diorang ni sombong but turn out diorang ni best sangat! So we blend so well :) Because of that we manage to bring the beast out of us untuk Degree Show 2017. Harapnya untuk dinner sem depan yang akan dihandle oleh kiteorang semester 4 akan berjalan lancar! Here some picture of us!


With Miss Princess! InsyaAllah kalau ada rezeki sem 4 kelas design dengan dia :)

Muka fokus duduk dekat belakang tengok runway lol

With some of the crews! (and part 1 too who help us! Thank you *heart sign* )


Okay guys, habis cerita pasal event fashion show dah ready for next? Hahaha! Post ni kira paling panjang antara semua sebab nak compile je terus. Malas asing2 lol sebab nanti lupa dan malas sentiasa. Next kita cerita pasal dinner pulak iaitu acara kemuncak dan wajib untuk department fashion! Untuk semester ni tema dinner Old English dan ikut semester. Klau semester 1 diorang kena pakai victorian in 1910's and semester 2 1920's dan sampailah semester 6 1960's. So disebabkan 1930's sangat susah so decided jahit je sendiri baju ala2 Mother Teressa kahkahkah walaupun that's not in my actual plan lol. Here some picture on that night!

Picture with batchmates (over tau time ni feelings sangat! lol)

Btw dapat lucky draw on that night! Terkejut mak okay tetiba kena sebut nama hahaha! But overall sangat best and fun! Tak sabar untuk sem depan iaitu sem 4! Rasa macam baru semalam dafter as new student but look at me now, a few sem before grad! Cuaks!

Dan kat sini i will put link to my previous post about mt life as fashion student. Check out the link! And i also will link you guys my friend pages Farahmadu sebab dia ada buat post about what you need to bring for new semester student :) That's all for now, nak pergi packing sebab next week dah start kelas! Wish me luck, Assalamua'laikum :)