
A place where i write all things that i want. Things that i love, hate, open my eyes and a place where i'm free to be myself without any misunderstanding. A place to get inspired and inspiring. A place to fly up widen my wings. Welcome, to my kind of place. Suit yourself!

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Phew Hello 2024!

 Assalamua'laikum and hai!

Alamak it feels super weird like what? Harini aku terdetik nak check my dusty blog that i think last time aku update 2018? WOW. Siapa je baca blog sekarang eh? I believe semua macam dah go for short video platform such as TikTok. Bila baca balik all those old post rasa nostalgic gila. Haha. 

Korang percaya tak disebabkan blog aku tulis zaman hingusan nak masuk Degree Fesyen UiTM ni asbab aku dapat kerja sekarang lol. Funny how things work out for me. Apa apapun thank you pada semua yang baca my blog. It's a long journey but Alhamdulillah, i'm still here. Life update, aku dah kahwin this year! Siapa sangka orang yang meratib tak nak kahwin finally dah kahwin. Umur pun nak masuk 3 series this year. Gila cepat masa berlalu. Rasa baru je lepas nangis nangis sebab kena marah time assessment. Times did fly. 

Btw, aku harap my past post membantu lah adik adik yang clueless macam aku dulu untuk menempuhi zaman belajar. Walaupun aku perasan ada few fact yang dah tak sama masa zaman aku dulu. Contoh, maybe some of lecturers aku mention from my early studies dah bersara. Prof Shook, Dr Saemah dan Encik Anas. Dan mungkin juga prosedur dan subject dah tak sama. So minta maaf kalau apa korang bayangkan from my previous post tak sama dengan yang korang akan experience. 

Good luck korang! Heads up, aku maybe akan gunakan platform ni untuk cakap pasal random things happened dalam hidup aku dan juga fashion things. Maybe lah kalau aku rajin. kalau lah. Okay lah bye!

Monday 7 January 2019

Fashion Show 2018 UiTM Shah Alam


Sooooo, after so long seperti yang dijanjikan kali ni post akan highlight my so called hari yang paling ditunggu after 3 years struggle with my course, which is fashion show! So like usual, Jabatan Fesyen akan buat di Kl, Jalan Conlay Kompleks Kraf Tangan. So empat baju akan naik stage for the runway even kita orang kena jahit lima baju untuk final. After some discussion with my design lecturer, Puan Hasma she decided what baju gonna be on stage and what not. To be honest, ianya sangatlah gemuruh okay tunggu di belakang lagi2 bila mine was the last person akan keluar. Yassss, mine punya last, bangga lah jugak sebab most of the time diorang akan letak baju yang best first and hujung of acara. So yeap, one of my 2018 big achievement bila baju runway sis last sekali! Ahaks

Sebenarnya bit sad my jacket, tak dapat naik because i spend to much money on it especially those eyelet bulat bulat tu not cheap okay! And lagi susah bila Shah Alam got no kedai that have bronze colour. So i need to go back & forth to KL and SS15. Also lucky, i drove my car curi2 to hostel because come on fashion student especially final year student need car to buy FYP things.

So i present you guys my first design, also design yang banyak kali buat toile. I think 3 or 4? Design yang boleh buat gaduh dan cuak setiap kali nak jumpa Puan Hasma hahaha. But i had fun. I love the details. I mean this design exactly how i draw My lecturer literally choose this 100% my own without any improvement ideas. Okay maybe the details like eyelet and frays was given by Puan Hasma. I mean, she so talented and know what you need to make your design look something. Bak kata dia " Kain tu kalau buat design, guna sebaiknya sifat yang ada" 

And my fav part also, the pants! 100% corak i made by myself using bleach. Super love the roughness. Good things about Puan Hasma, she love the roughness and something you make by your own self. Kalau benda kemas is not art. Which is something i can relate with her. Since the design actually focus on all my technique. I think i need to explain it. So my inspiration actually come from the motif tree of life orang Ulu. But at the same times, my design also focus on geometrical shape (orang ulu warrior shield) that you can see the detailing from each designs. I used bleach technique to enhanced the roughness and warrior of Orang Ulu itself with some grunge element that i really love and dream to make one since day one. Other than that, i also applied a machine embroidery (the motif at the collar) and finished it with dye to add an element of rusty and bronzy. Last but not least, eyelet for some grunge details, bronze snap button and frayed finishing of each denim. Fuhh, to think about it, how did i ever managed to do all the details. Fuhh, lega dah habis and bersengkang mata! But it's all worth it, told ya!

My photobook shoot, fav sangat look even Puan Hasma kecam hahaha!

 Details, on details! 

Okay, next is my second design! To be honest this one like the least i minat. I don't even know why maybe sebab too simple? Entah, but this one paling kemas jahit sebab senang so jahitlah dengan teliti huhu. Even this look paling least minat but i love the styling sebab akhirnya! I can make my model walk with Dr Marten sobs. My dream did come true even tak dapat nak gayakan dengan nett stocking sebab Puan Hasma cakap macam perempuan murahan hahaha!  But sokay lah, yang penting the grunge feels was there sister!

So much grunge feelings in it. I is proud with myself :')

Ahh those frayed and distressed denim make my hand hurt so much. It took so much times, but i had fun. I mean denim, is part of myself. I so glad, using denim as my main fabrics.

Okay, we move on to the third design, jeng jeng jeng! One of my top 3 favorite i think, sebab those bleach corak come out very nice! Macam corak ular sikit and i like it so much especially the mafla around her neck punya corak also come out pretty good! And those detailing geometrical pocket also my favourite detailings of this design. And pocket tu punya embroidery too, it  so long time nak siap sebab corak dia tersalah potong huhu. Nasib baik, those just patch pocket so boleh buat last sekali. And i also like the waterfall skirt yang mengundang banyak controversy hahaha sebab the lecturers thought that it need some improvement on how it should have sort of belt/tali can ikat on the pinggang while other thought it look ridiculous. But meh, at the end gittuw jugak rupanya walaupun so much drama happened lol.

And the last design jeng jeng jeng that walk through runway ofcourse lah dress! Puan Hasma believe that my last design should be massive and conclude all the grunge messiness. But i do really think, sebenarnya ada je kena tambah especially corak bleach but i don't have much time left so buat lah apa ada je. huhu But i love the sleeves frayed and bleach details. I mean i work very had nak make sure the corak ada kesinambungan sebab what's the point your learned principal of design if you don't make use of it kan? Hehe AND  those controversy choker that i really want and Puan Hasma marah sebab dia kata "Tau dak orang pakai choker ni prostitute zaman dedulu" Terkedu sis, tapi seperti biasa dia relakan jua anak murid dia nak choker kahkahkah.

Ah, front details i'm in love again.

Look at that bleach motif on the sleeves, my hard work paid off :')

And the bleach technique at the back. Call me angkat bakul, i don't care i still in love with my designs :')
Akhir kata dari saya, kalau sebuah impian itu mustahil bagi orang sekeliling awak dan awak percaya pada impian awak, GO FOR IT. At the end awak yang hidup dalam penjalanan sebuah kehidupan yang awak pilih. Kecewa sekarang dari kecewa kemudian. Bersusah sekarang dari, murung kemudian hari. Sebab apa, you gave up easily and bagi banyak alasan. Even ada je kawan yang sakit but she managed to finished it. Dia boleh why can't you? Give up? Gila tak pernah, sem 2 rasa nak berhenti sebab i think, i did my best but my lecturer didn't think so. So i triple my hardwork since then, so yeap Alhamdulillah berkat doa ayah ibu, lecturer and dan kawan classmate, i made it guys. Blog yang korang baca 2015/2016 when i was still in semester 1 and now, i finally finished it.

And for those out there yang takda certificated or qualification, please don't call yourself fashion designer or act like one. Mohonlah sedar diri, is not easy to be in this field especially art field. Orang pandang macam art did not have value, even they did not willing to pay us high like professional field. How sad it is right? belajar macam nak gila, lepastu artwork semua nak free. I think, that's all for now. InsyaAllah will update more about my career in fashion line!

P/S : Thank you kepada yang datang support! You know who you are! Terharu saya <3 (Tak nak upload gambar dekat sini sebab segan, marilah follow ig kalau nak tengok. Eh lol, gurau je)

Salam & bye!

Wednesday 22 August 2018



Ha hai and haaaaaluuuu, it's me syeera- i don't know if some of you might miss me or just a reader you pass by to search some quick info before you guys masuk study. For the past three years, i do really hope my not so informative post help you guys get through your first semester as fashion student. Alhamdulillah, i got few followers and junior asked me question about studying fashion. It was great experiences knowing that your blog help a lot of people out there yang probably lost like me before i decided to make a blog dedicated to my course which is bachelor in Fashion Design UiTM Shah Alam. And guess what? I finally graduated even the graduation ceremony will be held like next year i guess? Alhamdulillah syukur sangat sangat for the opportunity yang Allah beri for me to experienced sucha a very good memories these past 3 years. Memories that i will never trade with anything. I just love to be there. It was one of the best ever things happened in my life. And somehow, i just realized i did achieved something in my life! I took a big courage to change my course and decided to not give up even fashion ni macam full of hell. You got to sacrifices everything. Like every single  things.

 MONEY, don't even mention about it, who ever thought perempuan boros ni berjaya stop membazir beli and shopping things. I feel proud with myself. Even sekarang, i think thrice before buy things and i stop simply masuk any boutique di mall. ENERGY, siapa sangka this lady can stand not sleeping & stay up dekat bengkel 24 hours 2 weeks before assessment. It was HELLISH weeks i ever experienced in my life. NO SLEEP for 18 hours straight. It was insane when you in your final year days. If you know me very well, i'm not kinda of people yang akan buat kerja buat last minute. Even for this final year i basically leading everyone in terms of project but still, i end up struggle tak tidur two weeks before assessment. Gila kan? Before that two weeks of hell almost everyday i woke up 6 am and balik 10 pm. Sleep at 2 am and repeat all over again. Hah, wow. TIME, the most crucial things when you are an ART student and lagi crucial bila final year. Dia punya crucial tu kekdang rasa macam macam nak buat je benda tak nak makan minum and even did things yang wajib. Dia amat menguji iman. Trust me, it's not easy. Dia macam you have to chose between Dunya and Akhirat. But alhamdulillah, Allah temukan dengan kawan yang setiasa ingatkan pasal kita hidup bukan untuk dunia sahaja. You know who you are my girls and i'm glad again, i chose the right friends to be with.

Nak dengar lagi happy news? I got TS for my final result which mean, Tamat dengan Anugerah Dekan which also mean first class degree holder! Alhamdulillah. Walaupun tak merasa selempang pink tapi merasa beberapa kali DL pun dah syukur sangat sangat. Tau tak struggle gila nak dapat DL lol, sebab first sem dah nak kena score kalau tak susah nak kejar cgpa nanti. Part of this, just nak cakap lecturer UiTM sangat the best. Without tenaga pengajar lecturer, i was nothing. Nak juga berterima kasih sebab mereka tak pernah lupa bawak pergi event and trust me to handle things. Because of that, last year i got to experienced naik cruise. Yas cruise kapal yang dalam dia cantik tu macam titanic but was smaller than titanic lah. Went to Krabi and all. It was very fun and rare opportunity. Alhamdulillah jugak dapat lecturer design final year yang sangat memahami student dia, Puan Hasma. Semoga Allah limpahi rezeki kepada dia dan lecturer lain yang mengajar dari tak reti melukis kayu and tekan pedal mesin macam, F1 sampai dah pro kawal kaki huhuhu.

My final design? Yas, i will make a special post only for that. InsyaAllah soon akan update and upload all my collection. I really love it. Dia macam a reflection of my inner self. I was very happy from started of journey until end of it. Even struggle and menyusahkan. But i did enjoyed all of it. Pahit manis, susah senang. Yeay. So till next post okay. Don't worry, banyak nak bebel next post hehehe.


Monday 19 February 2018

Pengalaman sebagai pelajar fesyen (Ijazah Seni Reka Fesyen : UiTM) AD246 (Semester 5)


Hai hai and hai! I'm bit excited sebab ada sorang junior ni approached i because she got accepted in second intake of Degree fashion and design. So sebab ada yang bagi respond yang baik after read my blog and i'm like why not i update about my experiences in semester 5. Btw guys, next sem gonna be my last semester, final year is freakin near! And of course i'm scared like a lot! Been doing sketches lately since my lecturer want us to develop ideas so it will be easier to choose design when the semester started. I don't really know how to described overall feeling that i'd been thru last semester. Maybe i was bit shocked sebab macam this time my lecturer gave us like fully power to chose our own kinda style and concept. I was bit surprised and lost at first, heh i mean whole semester. I was crying lot! But yeah, every hardship comes ease right? So to my junior, don't give up okay? So let's get started with what i just learned from my previous semester huhu.

This semester ada 5 major fashion subject and 1 third language (last one yeay!) 


 For this subject, there is no workshop or kerja bengkel involved sebab basically kelas ni dia kelas menghafal and ada exam. Tbh, it was not that hard actually, sangat senang nak dapat A if you rajin membaca. And like typical me who love to memorized notes, it was fun for me even i'm feeling bit sleepy in class. Tapi subject macam ni lah korang boleh score untuk naikkan cgpa huhu. So guys jangan malas membaca even you guys student art ;p Apparel production ni dia ajar about  how manufacture functioning from how to make pattern to finishing in industrial. So basically it was easier since we also learn all that bit in small capacity.


Here we go, the main core subject in every semester. If you guys failed this, bye bye-  it will ruin all semester. mean, first you won't graduated with all your friends. Second, it will be bit hard to adapted with your class schedules since it will be overlap with other subjects and you need to be in class with your junior (just for design class if you only failed on design). But still, don't give up okay? So for final year semester, we had been given a theme which is LOCAL. Ugh i'm dont really like it actually sebab macam bosan pusing2 local. i mean i know it was easy to do research since all the books and information for thesis and all will be easier but the for me it was cliche. Can you imagine how many super senior before me already did all the concept and inspiration. So you need to be different and it was hard! Even the lecturers felt bit boring with it. All about the same concept. I was heard form few people they did this going LOCAL concept because audiences/outsider want us to promote Malaysia culture which is actually good but uitm already make it a lot before actually. So yeah sis redha huhu. So my inspiration for this semester, i chose KALONG orang ulu. It was a motif that reprsent power and authority to orang ulu. Its challeging for me as i need to create the motif manually. Not that i don't approved printing on fabric but i think that will be so common. Boring, to be honest. I used denim and did some bleaching technique while adding some colour and running stitches to enhances the motif. And i'm so sorry because i did not have any poper picture of my outfit huhu. So here i will attached picture of how the motif look like and process of bleaching too ove :3

Moti kalong by orang ulu

Teknik that i used to create the kalong motif on denim. Bit leceh but i love the effect !

extra : sneak peek of my research journal 


Okay kita carry on my fav subject for this semester, which is drapping class. nak tau kenapa fav? Sebab Sir Zaimi yang ajar and we got to sew wedding dress! It was fun even it took times a bit for me and guna banyak gila kain but its all worth it. huhu and my wedding dress "neraka" sikit sebab ada slit sampai atas peha LOL but i like how it end up ngeh ngeh ngeh. 

Draping process for peplum

 Kain nett untuk bagi kepuk kepuk macam fluffy gittew

Final look of my draping!


Okay for this subject actually intern punya markah evaluation. Since kiteorang intern masa cuti semester, so bila naik semester just kena presentation and hantar report. I will make another post special for my internship experiences at Sazzy Falak's place. Where my friends and i got the chances to involved in KLFW 2017 ! Stay tuned okay :')


Dah nama research so yes sucject ni dia ajar macam aman nak buat first draft of thesis / academic writing. For me kelas ni best sebab Puan Fadilah best gila. Even dia garang and strict, tapi suka dengar dia bercerita about life lesson and moral value. For this research i chose military unform of malaysia sebab my dad kerja tentera so macam bit easier. I went to Muzium Tentera kat Port Dicksona nd religiously went to library to find some references lol. Beriya tau pergi Perpustakaan Negara and Muzium Negara punya library huhu. Basically most of the times kiteorang kena keluar cari buku and information. Here i attached few pictures of me and my friends went out to find books and ideas!

Uniform tentera dara

Jambatan gantung belakang Muzium Tentera huhu


Yes finally i'm done with third language! Like yeay! Hahaha cukuplah sengsara tidur dalam kelas every times kelas jepun sebab kelas start at 2pm lol. But it was okay sebab sensei sangat baik, walaupun lamabat buat rolepay sebab pergi naik cruise lol (btw if rajin i will update you guys  about naik cruise and doing fashion show atas kapal!) 

Okay i think itu je for semester 5, a lot of things happen- good and bad but still i love every inch of it. To new junior, best of luck! Jumpa korang time induction dengan senior! Hahaha, nanti kita kenal2 okay. Bye <3

Saturday 9 September 2017

Pengalaman sebagai pelajar fesyen (Ijazah Seni Reka Fesyen : UiTM) AD246 (Semester 4)

Assalamualaikum and hai everyone!

Soooooooo, it's been a long time and i barely open my blog because of course i'm too busy with classes and final before- and now, i'm on my internship (practical training) for 3 month. So basically, i'll attending classes bit late since my internship will ended early October. Here i'm updating my blog about my experienced in semester 4- which i would say a bit roller coaster and frustrating lol. Because my batch was involved with Gajah duduk (collabration). So my 1 month  of research been delayed because we were busy sketching and sewing for Irra by gajah Duduk. It was fun for me, because we got the chances to collaborated with outsider brand and it gave us an opportunity to involved with something out of our syllabus. Soooo, back to the main topic- (bc i'm too lazy to type long post as i was busy with internship hihu sorry)

For this semester i took seven subject- 4 core fashion subject, 1 elective, 1 liberal subject and last is Japanese (level 2)


My favorite subject for this semester from fashion department would be ofc Illustration and design. Why? Because this time we can create figure based on our creativity and style meanwhile previous semester we only allowed to copy from magazine which i hate so much because i believe illustration was all about creativity and personality. It was a big shame if someone only copy exactly like other people style when they can create something according to their way. Trust me i was so happy and eager to do illustration even it take a lot of time and creativity. My favorite style would be droopy eyes and a very long legs. i like to start with water colour and blend it with pencil colour. It was tiring but hella fun. So for this semester we need to do 4 illustration only. For the first project we used magazine and black  & White as colllage. It was fun bc i used jewellery for my main idea. And surprisingly my lecturer like it and took it for sample to the junior. The second project, we did international brand and 3 figure in one board. Third project, we use surrealism painting as our main subject and last would be based on our final design.

First project

Second project

Third Project

Final Project


So for this subject, all of us can choose either to sew bomber jacket or suit/blazer. And we only have one project, toile and the final. And ofcourse i would choose bomber jacket over blazer huhu. It was fun actually because finally i know how to make a freakin bomber jacket! YEAY. So here a picture of my toile (example). But sorry i didn't manage to take a decent picture of my final bomber jacket huhu

Model tanpa berbayar 1 (Fana)

Model tanpa berbayar 2 (Nami)


So this semester for design we will focus on functional, my friend and i decided that we should do volunteers that help refugee at Syria. Our lecturer Miss P decided that we should create a team and help each other with research. It was hella scary for me because i'm not really good at technical but Alhamdulillah with all hard work, i manage to do it well. I spent lot of many on fabric samples and pocket sampling. I need to make sure my fabric suit the weather at Syria and it doesn't look awkward for the pocket. My design focus on pockets (functions) and it can turn into bag!

Tshirt, Vest and pants all sew by me.


If you guys read my previous post of semester 3, at there i write about embellishment 1 and for this semester, it was a continuity from last semester. This time we learn to upgrade our embellishment with several technique. We been instruct to did 18 samples and one final design dress applying some of the technique in that dress. And i'm so sorry because i forgot to snap a decent picture of my mini samples and final design for embellishment. 


To make it short, this is the continuity of level 1 Japanese. We required to get through all writing, listening, reading and role play. It was fun actually learning other languages :)


Finally i manage to attend this electives classes after been kick out last semester because my friends and I make a mistakes while register our electives. I was so frustrated back then but Alhamdulillah yes finally i can. And the lecturer Puan Z is so kind and warm heart teaching step by step the real technique to do rendering. I really recommended this class if you want to learn rendering technique that been learnt by IDE student. 

Final project for rendering 


For this semester we required to make a proposal abut business related to art and design / fashion. My team mates and i decided that be make a fashion event business. It was tired editing all the name card, poster and all. Thank God we managed to get A for this subject or else it would be bit sad. Here i put  a few picture of my editing for our booklet and business related proposal. 


Last but not least, i took EET as it was compulsory or else we cannot graduate. I took earlier than most of my classmate because i'm from diploma. This exam kinda same with MUET but more harder? Idk lol. They just have two exam which is writing and speaking. But the good thing id it wont effect your cgpa as your grade will be only shown a different certificate like Muet.

So yeah, that's only for now as i was so struggling to finish this entry and i'm so sorry for the late update and hai to the juniors! Hope to see you guys soon after i finished my internship !

p/s : Maybe i will update about my experiences working under sazzy falak for my intership and KLFW2017(?) 

for now, bye!

Monday 27 February 2017

Pengalaman sebagai pelajar fesyen (Ijazah Seni Reka Fesyen : UiTM) AD246 (Semester 3)


(Blogger keep giving me message to write in malay, but its gonna be awkward guna fully Malay actually lol so yeah akan keep update but still i tried my best tulis dalam bahasa fuh)

Hai! After soooo long! I managed to write back on my blog despite of how lazy am i kan. Eh mestilah, sebab cuti kali ni 1 bulan je sebab i was busy with my batch mate handle Degree fashion Show for my senior. It was fun but tiring at the same times! And ofc la ada drama disebalik suksesnya sebuah majlis *letak tangan dibahu* Fast forward with the drama- still, thank you slay production (my batch mate punya production name) for make everything went success! Even lecturer, sponsor and guest cakap event kitaorang handle well done! Dean pun cakap kita punya batch sangat cekap. Well, terima kasih Idham, Nabel and all crew sebab lead the event! I'm so proud!

Okay, back to main topic yang akan update which is what i went thru in my third semester aka second yr of degree! For this semester jujurnya kurang sikit stress. Tak berapa gopoh sangat and time manageable not bad- maybe sebab takde kelas illustration for this semester fuhh. And Untuk semester ni, kelas feveret mestilah kelas embellishment! uhuks. Sebab memang minat embellishment and one more thing is sebab Puan Rose ajar walaupun, dia just guide the way je kiteorang kena cari bahan and the way out.

Okay, marilah list out subject for this semester! Oh sebelum tu, untuk semester 3 kali ini cuma ada 3 subject major, 2 eectives, 2 minor, 1 english class dan satu third language.

1. FES 502: Fashion Design 3 : Design and experimental

Okay untuk semester ni, sekali lagi, kelas i iaitu kelas A untuk semster ini diambil alih lagi oleh Encik Anas (wow full one sentences in Malay- i try lol)  yes dan tiga semester dengan dia, berharap sangat next semester Miss P take over. Not because i don't like him- it just i want to learn something new with other lecturer. Because i believe, each of the lecturers have their own method and skills that i can get from them. So masa first week, Encik Anas decide tema kali ni "How to promote Malaysia" bermaksud baju yang akan dihasilkan dinspirasikan dari Malaysia. But, on the second week he changed his mind and ambil painting as inspiration. So after a several research, i took Paul Klee Cat and Bird as my inspiration.

Selepas beberapa design, experiment, draping dan makian (oh lupa leteran sekali) Akhirnya siaplah design semester ini dengan jayanya walaupaun menangis tiga hari berturut sebab takut tak siap muahaha. Yelah sebab my design kena hand stiches one by one, iron one by one swarovski- yeap totally couture! 3 hari okay duduk dekat bengkel hanya untuk susun dan hand stiches sampai kematu punggung uhuhu. Senior and junior lalu semua tegur "Rajinnya" "Wow couture sangat" "Budak hebat ni" Sejujurnya i'm not good. Some closest batchmate kata "Syeera kalau tak susah and teliti bukan dialah" but then i corrected her statement by saying "Bukan teliti, aku jenis suka buat kerja yang ngenyah dan menyusahkan diri" and yes they agreed kahkah. Tbh, my design tak ada susah sangat pun, pattern dia sangat senang and simple tapi embellishment dia yang azab. Sebab semester ni diorang nak kami experiment dengan embellishment. Kiranya design wajib ada experiment sebab tulah tujuan belajar semester ini :) So malas nak bebel lama lama. I'll show you some of my draping pictures dan hasil baju masa assessment day !

Alhamdulillah hasil menangis 3 hari berturut dapat A :)

2. FES 504: Advanced Pattern making

Okay macam semester yang lepas, untuk kelas pattern kali ni kami diberikan 4 project iaitu, kebaya, baju kemeja, seluar slack dan baju melayu. Dan semua baju kena ikut ukuran badan sendiri so boleh lah pakai bila dah habis jahit! Baju kebaya dah rasmi dah, cuma kemeja belum lagi sebab nak apaki untuk pergi kelas je sebenarnya kuikuikui. Semester kali ni, Puan Faliza yang mengajar dan dia sangat baik, at first ingatkan dia ni garang sebab dia suka pandang orang and bila buat lawak or sengih dia tak layan lol. Tapi bila dan setiap minggu jumpa- baik je puan sebenarnya! Overall comment yang dia bagi sem ni "Awak ni rajin syeera, tapi jahitan awak ni saya tak boleh bagi A- tu sayang sangat" iya puan saya tau- but i did try my best and i dont mind got a B actually sbb tau kat mana kemampuan uhuhu. Tapi kalau puan tukar fikiran saya lagi happy! Ehehe

p/s/s: gambar baju? Ala tak ambil, sorry!

3. FES 500 : Surface Embellishment 1

Okay embellishment! Subject favourite gila untuk semester ni- yes i was born to do everything yang susahkan diri but still, enjoy it! kiteorang kena buat 3 projek- 2 mini projek dan 1 final projek. 

Projek 2

4/17 samples untuk projek 1

Final Project!

4. PSY 563: Psychology And Interpersonal Comunication

5. CTU555: Malaysan History

Subjek liberal untuk semester ni ada dua, psychology dan Malaysian History. Dua subject ni kena attend classes and dengar lecturer. Few project and presentation. Kelas psychology ni best sebab gabung dengan department lain and dari situ buat group and kenal each other. Basically kelas ni dia bagi lecturer mengenai art and psychology. Meanwhile for CTU dia ajar mengenai sejarah Malaysia dan undang2 Negara. Kelas ni bagi i okay je sebab dari zaman sekolah mmang minat sejarah huhu.

6. Third Language :Japan Level 1

Untuk sem 3 wajibun ambil third langage dan ada 4 pilihan yang boleh pilih, Jepun, Arab, Cina, German dan Perancis. I chose Japan sebab memang minat gila dengan Jepun (bukan peminat anime) tapi minat dengan culture, environment, view, ethic, songs and everything from culture to fashion. Tempat yang paling teringin sangat nak pergo since highchool ofcourse Harajuku! hihi. Kelas ni not bad, sebab sensei best! Ada 3 quiz and sepatutnya ada buat video tapi  sensei just nak roleplay je dekat depan dia :)

Last but not least, Electives subject!

7. EAD 432: Stone Setting (From Department Fine Metal)
8: EAD 582: Trend Design Studies (From Department Industry Design)

Untuk sem ni ambil 2 electives subject sebab nak habiskan sisa credit hour. Next sem just tinggal satu je lagi kena daftar yeay! Stone setting ni kiteorang kena buat jewelry dari batu from scratch which is very fun! Group mate untuk kelas ni pun kelakar gila so tak bosan datng bengkel metal walaupun bengkel dorang tak besar mana pun. Meanwhile untuk Trend Design ni just kena attend lectures and buat report. Sangat best juga sebab lecturer ni dia bagi idea macam mana nak buat design kita lebih berinovasi dan trendy tak kira walau dari manpun department kita. Cara dia cerita pun best dan tak bosan. Tak menyesal ambil kelas ni sebab sangat membantu kelas design sem lepas hee.

Final look for stone setting

Okay the end! Itu je subject that i took for semester 3. Tbh, sem 3 sangat best sebab sem ni kami merge dengan diploma student yang further studies in Degree. At first rasa macam takut diorang ni sombong but turn out diorang ni best sangat! So we blend so well :) Because of that we manage to bring the beast out of us untuk Degree Show 2017. Harapnya untuk dinner sem depan yang akan dihandle oleh kiteorang semester 4 akan berjalan lancar! Here some picture of us!


With Miss Princess! InsyaAllah kalau ada rezeki sem 4 kelas design dengan dia :)

Muka fokus duduk dekat belakang tengok runway lol

With some of the crews! (and part 1 too who help us! Thank you *heart sign* )


Okay guys, habis cerita pasal event fashion show dah ready for next? Hahaha! Post ni kira paling panjang antara semua sebab nak compile je terus. Malas asing2 lol sebab nanti lupa dan malas sentiasa. Next kita cerita pasal dinner pulak iaitu acara kemuncak dan wajib untuk department fashion! Untuk semester ni tema dinner Old English dan ikut semester. Klau semester 1 diorang kena pakai victorian in 1910's and semester 2 1920's dan sampailah semester 6 1960's. So disebabkan 1930's sangat susah so decided jahit je sendiri baju ala2 Mother Teressa kahkahkah walaupun that's not in my actual plan lol. Here some picture on that night!

Picture with batchmates (over tau time ni feelings sangat! lol)

Btw dapat lucky draw on that night! Terkejut mak okay tetiba kena sebut nama hahaha! But overall sangat best and fun! Tak sabar untuk sem depan iaitu sem 4! Rasa macam baru semalam dafter as new student but look at me now, a few sem before grad! Cuaks!

Dan kat sini i will put link to my previous post about mt life as fashion student. Check out the link! And i also will link you guys my friend pages Farahmadu sebab dia ada buat post about what you need to bring for new semester student :) That's all for now, nak pergi packing sebab next week dah start kelas! Wish me luck, Assalamua'laikum :)