Honestly i was tired with everything. No, bukan aku give up- just aku tengah cuba untuk adapt dengan keadaan baru. Where i stand on my own feet, environment, lecturers and friends. Tak delah teruk sangat. Cuma biasanya kalau untuk budak AC (accounting fakulti) kiteorang more to liberal- went to classes kira kira, dengan lectures and then you went home just revised. But bila kau amek generally an AD (Art and design course) kau kena spent lotsa of times buat research, practices sketches and rajinkan diri know whats happen around you. Jujur aku masih try nak adapt since baru nak masuk 3 minggu kat sini. And duit flow dengan lajunya. And bila dah final sem, thousand of ringgit will be used (gigit jari). So memang kena cari kerja bila sem break i guess. (in my draft for 4 months? i'm ok now don't worry)
p/s: tahukah anda FSSR sangat menguji daya ketahanan mental. Gila kot nak daki pergi kelas even Kolej Seroja dekat je dengan fakulti Art and Design (nangis tepi bucu).
Okay back to the main topic.
Temu duga as an AD student, ok lemme flashback 6 month lepas hahaha sebab honestly plan nak buat right after exam ended but too bad typical syeera is lazy for almost everything.
Okay for your info, usually date interview akan keluar 1 week before the interview date and dia kan buat on weekend tak silap. And if u got lucky dia akan buat sekali lagi for those who can't make it few days after the main date and yeap same venue, Fakulti Art and design uitm shah alam. Naik bukit and then turun bukit (faham? hahaha ) So when in my times time interview, i wore baju kurung and wedges despite of my height (168 cm). Okay time tu semua berkumpul ikut code and daftar. Dorang akan bagi borang untuk isi and everything, don't worry they will assist you just one things jangan lupa bawa all documents needed. Or else it will make everything slower for registration.
After that dorang akan bawak korang dalam 20 people in a group masuk dalam bilik untuk ujian melukis. Kat situ, di nasihatkan untuk ambil the best spot supaya dapat lukis benda yang tak susah since i know tak semua pandai melukis and untuk melukis for 45 minutes perfectly- r u serious?
Dalam bilik tu dorang akan susun meja, kon, kotak, kain and etc whatever they want kat tengah and meja surround those items. So you guys freely decided where to sit and draw from your perspectives. For me, i choose bebetul kotak four in square at the front of me kahkahkah sampai interview tanya "Betul ni kotak exactly that postion?"and i was confidently jawab Äáh saya bebetul pilih kotak that way". So kat situ, korang chill je sebab tak semua orang pandai lukis, jangan sibuk tengok kiri kanan sebab tak semua budak yang datang interview pandai lukis pun uhuhuhu. Eh tapi i pandai ok? But tak hebat, still adelah basic skills.
So after 45 minutes, korang akan dibawa ke tempat interview. yang selalu interview Cik Anas (The guy with fierce face with spectacles (honestly dia baik actually- my fav lect!), Dr Saemah (the one yang pakai tudung ikat kat leher with spectacles, Dr Asliza (With spectacles and fair skin), Miss Princess (free hair) and a few other's. Just to let you know yang fashion department didn't really have lot of lecturer- pusing2 every sem lecturer sama je, so jangan buat hal okay? be nice to everyone :)
Back to the stories, i was choosen to be interviewed by Dr Saemah and Miss Princess, and i brought all my sketches yang gigih dibuat dalam 4 days i think. Penat jugaklah fikir and ada few sketches from past free times works. And they will ask u about yourself "ïntroduce yourself?"Korang cakap je dalam bahasa Inggeris pasal diri korang. background and everything. Taram je! yang penting confident okay! And then they will ask you why you want this course so badly?
for me, i told her, yang my mom want me to further diploma in professional courses so thats why i took Diploma in acc before even, i always wanted to take design courses since i was 15 years old. I told her about my struggle to finished my diploma on times (which i made it on times!) and that times she told me that this courses is tough, it's required money (lots i told ya), times (yeap honestly you won't be able had times for you own at night) and energy (totally drained). So like everyone else, i told her that i don't mind getting through all this because this is what i really want. I mean for major accounting student changed to arts? I wasted my 2 years kot when i can just graduated on deg in acc for 2 years if sambung but i needed 3 years more if i take deg in fashion.
But who cares, i don't mind it at all- yang penting enjoy belajar which is what i been thru now. I'm so excited and thrilled nak attend every classes even lecturer fashion garang hahaha but dorang sangat caring. Don't worry! So yeah, honesntly time interview sekejap je. masa tu ada yang bawak semua art works jadah kedabak and ada bwak baju tapi aku relax je bawak natang folder adelah dalam belas sketches and Alhamdulillah after a month i got good news! (refer to my prev post if you want to know. If la kahkahkah).
And yes, dah habis satu sem and now nk masuk sem baru and again, Alhamdulillah result sangat best Seriously hard work paid off :) Penat datang bengkel everyday 2 week before assess dari pagi sampai malas. Tipu kalau emiotional tak terganggu. tapi kuasa Allah hebat, bila kita usaha lebih dia bagi kita rasa manis kejayaan lebih. yang penting jaga solat awak okay? Ambil course ni dugaan awak kuat, kau akan rasa that tak cukup masa untuk mkan tidur and solat. Istiqamah ingat Allah selalu :)
And for those new junior, goodluck! If anything, jangan segan tanya thru email ke or drop dm on my insta. I will surely reply if you guys needed help. And bila dah msuk tu tegurlah okay. I might looked so garang and strict but honestly i'm not that really like what you think of. And InsyaAllah akan updated how my first experienced as new student in fashion department. stay tuned!
Email :
Instagram : nsyahierra
Good luck and believe in your dreams!
Hi nk tnye contoh benda yg byk gune kos/duit tu mcm ape eh??? Selain buku2
Like printed computer or kain
hi nak tanya kalau dari matriks or stpm pastu nak sambung degree fashion ni boleh ke ? ada interview jugak ke ?
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